Dasein Artificial Intelligence icon set

Artificial Intelligence.
Securely and ethically.

Helping organizations develop an ethical and equitable AI strategy.

Ai Ethics and Governance


AI Ethics and
AI Governance

AI Ethics aligns the behavior of your AI systems with your organization’s purpose and values.

AI Governance ensures your AI systems really are behaving that way.

AI Ethics


Why are AI Ethics important?

New technologies come and go all the time. Few of them ever strike us as so profoundly transformational that they leave us with a nagging sense of uncertainty about the risks they bring. AI is one of those. We get a feeling that if AI’s potential is misapplied - or intentionally misused - that really bad things could happen. And with this one they really could. 

But really good things will happen with it, too. 

AI can’t distinguish good from bad, it only knows true and false. It lacks moral agency, so it doesn’t have any ethical principles that guide it. But the person using that AI does. And that’s why AI ethics matter: because AI will be designed and used by people, and people behave according to their values.


US consumers concerned about misinformation from AI 

(Source: Forbes)


AI-related laws pending in US Congress in 2024

(Source: Brennan Center)


Expected global economic impact of AI in 2030 

(Source: PwC)

Dasein AI Strategy, Ethics and Governance

dasein|German:[ˈdaːzaɪnˈ]| n.

Definition: being; specifically, that being which is aware of, and can reflect upon, its own existence.

AI is not aware of… anything. It is not self-aware. It is not aware of the world around it. It is not aware it is talking to you because, well, it doesn’t know how to talk. In fact, it doesn’t understand anything that it’s outputting to you. It is just a tool.

That’s why people will remain at the center of AI design and usage. Because a person is aware of their own existence and behaves accordingly – creatively and critically. AI can augment and enhance human creativity and reasoning, but AI can’t replace those things.

So create your AI strategy with your people at the center of it - a dasein strategy.

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Dasein Strategy is a company at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethics and governance. In our commitment to knowledge sharing and thought leadership, Dasein Strategy regularly publishes insightful white papers and compelling case studies focused on the latest AI trends and breakthrough, illuminating the potential and practical ethical questions of AI technology in various industries.

AI Tip of the Week

Its All in How You Ask the Question: Writing a Better AI Prompt

A “prompt” is natural language text submitted to your AI system to initiate a response from that system. It can be a statement or request or a question.

Clear, specific, and carefully constructed prompts enable AI models to produce more accurate, relevant, and coherent outputs. They provide the necessary context and guidance to ensure that the content generated by your AI system aligns with your intent.

For example, if you needed product description copy generated to sell a hammer on your website you might rewrite the prompt “write me a product description for a hammer” to read “write me a 50 words or less product description for a framing hammer with a target audience of carpentry subcontractors who have purchased products from our website within the past 18 months”. This latter example of a richer AI prompt will generate a more effective output for you every time.